Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill: I started reading this book in my teens and it is one of those positive thinking success books that I seem to always come back to."What the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve"---Napoleon Hill.
Frankenstein by Mary Shelley: A classic, It really is a love story about a monster and his creator. A tough read as a kid, but a great read as an adult. This book taught me that reading can form a moving picture in one's head. This is the book that made me want to write and someday publish a book of my own.
The Richest Man in Babylon by Georg S. Clason: This book was one of the first books that taught me about basic rules of thrift. I was again in my teens and absolutely clueless about money, but this books teaches through a great tale about the ancient Babylonians. Quick read that stays with you.
Stocks for the Long Run : The Definitive Guide to Financial Market Returns and Long-Term Investment Strategies by Jeremy J. Siegel: This is THE BOOK that started me on my path of financial success. Before I read this book I basically owned one mutual fund with a commision fee (I did not know what "no load" was yet) and I basically owned a couple of useless stocks recommended by my "full service" broker. This book will show the reader that one does not have to own "risky" small-cap stocks, but can build a portfolio that will grow and last for the long one. A MUST READ.
Awakening the Buddha Within: Tibetan Wisdom for the Western World by Lama Surya Das: This book was read during a time when I was trying to find myself, it helped me focus on goals and taught me acceptance. I did not realize until later in life that one must be in a relaxed and calm place and once there can create a vision of where they want to go in life. Highly recommended.
Ideas And Opinions by Albert Einstein: Many people do not realize that Einstein was not only important in science, but he also had many opinions on society, government and religion. This book makes one understand the human side of Einstein while also showing that Albert Einstein continues to be one of the greatest minds in history.
Self-Reliance by Ralph Waldo Emerson: The title tells the tale. Emerson's book shows that independence and relying on oneself can lead to many great things. I was personally influenced by his essay Compensation. A must read for any aspiring writer and dreamer.
The Warren Buffett Way, Second Edition by Robert G. Hagstrom: This book is made for the reader who wants to try emulate the great Warren Buffet, this book has examples of Buffet's ideas about moats, value and long term investing. A book that I definitely think Buffet would recommend.
Rule #1: The Simple Strategy for Getting Rich--in Only 15 Minutes a Week! by Phil Town: This book helped me to finally read and understand a balance sheet, although I have read books on Warren Buffet and his investing style, I believe that this book explains that Buffet style of moats and valuations much better. My returns increased significantly after reading this book. A must read.
The Automatic Millionaire: A Powerful One-Step Plan to Live and Finish Rich by David Bach: This book by David Bach taught me to make my investments automatic through all my bank, brokerage, and retirement accounts. Whether you add $50 or $500, make it automatic and you will realize your financial dreams. On a side note, this book also forced me to go to a discount broker and no-load fund companies because the large commission brokers do not want you to make automatic deposits through the actual mutual funds that you own. Do it automatic and do it yourself!
Getting Started in Options by Michael C. Thomsett: I have read many books about investing, but when I finally learned about option trading I started to make huge returns. Thomsett not only teaches the reader how to trade options, but also teaches definitions about options. I have come back to this book numerous times and have continued to learn even more. I do want to say that trading options are complicated and risky, so tread carefully.
The Future for Investors: Why the Tried and the True Triumph Over the Bold and the New by Jeremy J. Siegel: In this book Siegel goes beyond investing for the long run, this time he shows how reinvesting dividends gives a turbo shot to one's investments. Before I read this book I used to collect my dividends as I received them, now I realize reinvesting dividends is a sure way to maximize returns in dividend paying stocks.
The How to Make Money in Stocks Complete Investing System: Your Ultimate Guide to Winning in Good Times and Bad by William O'Neil: This is the book that has taught me how to use stock charts and fundamental analysis to make immense returns. Some people claim that O'Neil is a momentum investor, but they would truly be wrong. To this day I am just beginning to understand what O'Neil is talking about, yet I have trounced the market just by using some of his techniques. A must read.
Trade Like an O'Neil Disciple: How We Made 18,000% in the Stock Market (Wiley Trading) by Gil Morales & Chris Kacher: This book is the perfect compliment to any of William O'Neil's books. In this book Morales & Kacher explain how they came to work with William O'Neil and how they tweaked the charting techniques made famous by O'Neil and may have found a better way to increase returns. An easy read that is highly recommended.